Sun Dried Tomato Powder 5kg Pouch

Gurme212 sun-dried tomatoes are in Roma type, longer tomatoes with meaty texture that have been dehydrated by being placed in the sun for 6-7 days. When they’re dried, tomatoes shrink up, losing 93-94% of their weight from the loss of their water content. From 16kg of fresh tomatoes we produce 1kg of sun dired tomates. Sun-dried tomatoes are sweet, tangy, and chewy, and used to garnish dishes like salads and pasta.

  • Made in Turkey
EAN: 8680697447382 Stok kodu: 7382 Kategoriler:

You can reach these products with Gourmet212, which is the answer to the question of where to buy tomato powder. Tomato powder is obtained by drying and grinding summer tomato paste. Natural sun dried tomato powder is an easy-to-use, natural product that does not contain any additives or colorants, for those who seek the taste, color and aroma of summer tomatoes for 12 months. Sun dried tomato powder can be used as an additive in salads, breads, soups, types of rice, red and white meat dishes, meatball mortars, salted biscuits and crackers, pasta, ravioli and noodle doughs. Tomato powder can also be used in any recipe where tomato paste is included. You can mix it with cold-pressed olive oil for breakfast and use it as a spice in omelets and fried / boiled potatoes. Organic tomato powder is a product that gives both flavor and color when raw materials and production stages are considered. Therefore, in a recipe using natural sun dried tomato powder, there is little need to use additional red pepper and/or tomato paste. Dehydrated tomato powder is produced by drying the fresh product under suitable conditions after the necessary pre-treatments. For your tomato powder where to buy question, you can choose Gourmet212.